Friday, April 29, 2005


hey ho - metric diet all finished now...
100 days...
have adopted new world view...
new perspective on body and soul...
must go bed now...
go on holiday tomorrow...
oooh - "Parenthood" on 23.45...
must stay up and waaatchhhh...

welcome back alcohol...'s a dangerous drug...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

metric diet - the end is nigh...

Have officially done my 100 day diet - I used 3 out of my 5 "special" days - so I'll be completely finished tomorrow evening - in time for going on holiday...

Final weigh in shows a total weight loss of 15.45Kgs! Pretty damn good.


The trick now is not to eat too much next week and carry on the good work.

Exercise is good...

Monday, April 25, 2005

It's April 25th...

Just noticed the date - I'm beginning to get excited - it's only eight months 'til Christmas...

OK - so we've got some summer to get through first - but every day can be Christmas day - right?


muppet by name - muppet by nature...

OK - so I did it the wrong way around - I've moved my blog onto my main davidcoe domain and I didn't do a post telling people before I switched it from blogspot and changed to FTP settings.

I apologise for any inconvenience to the 2 people who probably may have noticed.

In best CBA ("Can't Be Arsed") tradition I could have republished to blogspot with an additional posting telling people of the new address - but hey life's to short to look up all my settings etc.

This is easier and I'll e-mail the few people who may have an RSS feed and tell them via ilovepdg (which is also going to move soon - once we figure out the settings on the firewall thing...)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

blogging and podcasting... (show five is alive!)

Trackback to a post at "Hello_World" from Rich!

"Which brings me to another point, podcasting and blogging while similar in delivery are extremely different mediums, a star at one could easily be a dud at the other."

Looking at my blog here - all of my most recent posts are just pointing people at the ilovepdg blogsite where our weekly podcasts are going?

In the past 3 weeks I've managed to find/commit time to:
  • recording 3 podcasts
  • adjusting volumes / editing comedy sound clips to front and rear
  • setting "artwork" for said file (usually monkeys or pigs...)
  • uploading finished mp3 files
  • testing through i-podder
  • "blogging" the shownotes and testing links etc
  • coming to this blog site and linking to ilovepdg

In the same period I've only written 2 posts - which took me a fraction of the time.

So am I more interested in podcasting or blogging? The juries out!

Maybe once I've got my regular vlog running - I'll let you know...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

ilovepdg podcast: 4G Website Strategy

Back to where it all started - PDG 4G website strategy discussed intelligently (by Dave Wilson) and I mumble some stuff...!!

...check it out

Meanwhile - I'll have some news about domain name stuff soon...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

ilovepdg podcast show three

Show three is now live at the ilovepdg blog - go check it out...

metric diet - more news...

Really going slowly now - 79% and 14.55Kgs lost...